Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Affordable townhomes on Hyacinth Lane

Several years ago concerned neighbors from this northerly HP neighborhood approached me and pleaded to get the Lake County Health Clinic out of this neighborhood as was being proposed. I agreed this might not be the right place and worked with Mike Belsky and others to move it downtown. Since this North side property is zoned commercial real estate and could allow many cars and employees I asked the neighbors if they would rather see residential. Most all agreed that would be a far better choice for this area. With that in mind the city entered into an agreement with the County to buy this property and to use funds from our housing fund to subsidize housing for middle class families that otherwise could not afford most of HP. While the normal market value of these homes would be 500+ thought this program we could offer them in the 200k range. This is a great change from the commercial with that could generate much more traffic. I attended meeting with the neighbors and they have raised some valid concerns about traffic and were immediately addressed. Some others talked about the value of their properties devalued and this discussion really rubbed me the wrong way since I do not believe this argument is factual. On the contrary I think these townhomes will support values very well and also support our many residents and working people that are having a hard time staying in our community.

More law revisions. . More teardowns

Again, we have before the City Council another modification that will help builders tear down more homes and replace them with megamansions. The most recent is the tempering of the average setback of homes and giving special bonus bulk for folks asking to encroach past a subdivision setback line. HELP.... please call the other Councilman and tell them that we are going in the wrong direction and need to get back to helping keep our neighborhood character intact. My of my fellow Council folks seem to talk the talk on preservation and retaining modestly priced homes but continue to vote in modifications to our zoning ordinance that does just the opposite...... HELP!!!

FEMA flood rate maps adopted

The Council past the new FEMA flood maps without my support because I have not yet been assured that our flood development restrictions will not be compromised from this action. I had asked for further clarification before passage but a vast majority of the Council did not seem swayed by my argument to wait. We will be talking about this at a future Council meeting but my opinion is that we should not build new developments in any part of the floodplains. We should not lessen our restrictions on floodplain development whether by shrinking the flood zones or by adopting less strict standards.
As we are trying to deal with stormwater management issues it is important to stop any situation that might disturb mother natures ability to naturally deal with flood waters. I look forward to this discussion and will again propose stricter regulations as I have in the past.

Vote Nov. 7th

We have a chance to make a difference in how our country and state proceeds in the future. We should not let this opportunity get past us. PLEASE vote on Nov 7th.

I will be supporting all the Democrats since I believe these individual candidates best represent my opinions on how we should govern.