Happy Holidays and New Year to all my family, friends, and fellow citizens.....
We continue to review Theater Proposals and are very excited about possible opportunities ahead. Discussions are just in exploring stage so nothing to report yet! ..Stay Tuned!
63 applications for our City Manager position... Should have someone in the seat late 1st quarter.
Ridge and Lake Cook - No Right Turn law was affirmed by the City Council after a recommendation from our Traffic Commission to allow those movements. This is the 6th time I have participated in these debates and it does not get any easier.... I wish there was a better way!
The City of Highland Park will put a question on March 20th ballot asking voters to give us the power to get the best electricity rates for our power (with resident opt out provision). Municipal Aggregation will be carried a step further with us working in a North Shore Consortium to get even better electric rates.
On the Environmental front we passed a Construction Debris Recycling Ordinance and a Plastic Bag/Film Ordinance that will help collect and recycle these materials.
Park District/City Council meeting was a great success... Mayor Rotering and myself are part of a subcommittee that will meet as a subcommittee with the Park District to discuss major capitol projects, shared services and opportunities, and the disposition of the Highland Park Country Club. Lot of stuff on these items and need to get moving.... Yep. This could be a Big One....
Please look at the final report of the Lake County's 60% Recycling Task Force Report We just passed approval of report at our Directors meeting and will be asking all of our 42 member communities to vote on this report. SWALCO will be making the rounds presenting the findings to members upon request.
Ice Skating Rink at Port Clinton is worth checking out in our downtown. The Alliance and property owners have done a excellent job promoting our CBD with ice sculptures, reindeer, and the great decorations that frame our primary shopping district.
Our Sustainability Consultants Delta are on track in working on three short term action items that include Zero Waste in our Schools, Electric Vehicle demonstration and programing, and Enhanced Recycling. We will also be calling stakeholders to the table for a global discussion in early February (TBA).
Please look at the City website to learn more.
Folks that are caught not using a cell phone Hands-Free..... will be ticketed.
I suggest not using your cell phone while driving at all. Wait until you pull over and park before using the phone. Studies have shown that any cell phone use while driving is dangerous.
Be safe......