Saturday, June 17, 2006
City Takes over Legacy Club Sewers
Last year we took over the private streets of the Legacy Club. At the last meeting we voted 6 to 1 to take over the sewers. These two actions will save the owners of these past private streets the cost of maintenance of these assets. The burden is now added to our city budget along with the many miles of infrastructure we are trying to upgrade. I voted against this proposal because I thought it was wrong take over this infrastructure without a plan to present to the public on taking over all the private infrastructure in our community. If the Legacy Club owners now do not have to pay for maintenance should not the Hybernia residents get the same consideration? How about the Highland Park Club residents? I believe this had been a political bone for these residents without a universal policy on the matter of taking over private streets. Simply put the squeaky wheel got the grease one more time at the taxpayers expense.