I am running for re-election as your Councilman. As in the past, my heart and spirit are strong. I would like to continue working for you to promote our community values and to personally be there for assistance whenever you call me to help solve a problem. Together, we can continue to produce good results.
I continue to promote policy on improving our environment and open space preservation, cultivating a healthy business climate, and maintaining open communications between our city and the community. In these tough economic times it is essential to reduce costs and partner with all local governments to consolidate and reduce the burden of our real estate property taxes. I know we can meet this challenge.
Our community is admired and serves as a model across the nation because of our environmental, housing, and law enforcement initiatives. As always, I am committed to work with Mayor Belsky and my fellow Councilman to produce cutting edge results.
Please call me if you have time. As always, I can be reached at home (847)831-0373 or by cell phone (847)456-6933.
Thank you for all your support.
Steve Mandel