The "Green Springs" development on Grange and Park has lost 2 units of the 8 homes it had proposed. This brings the density of housing down to a reasonable level that can meld into the existing neighborhood. The City Council was asked to expedite the process and not send it back to the Plan commission. The Council voted 5-2 to have a public hearing in front of the Council. Myself and Councilwoman Olian were in the minority stating the petition should return to the Plan Commission.
I have no problem with the 6 unit density which includes a historic incentive. I had asked that the past proposal of 8 units be shrunken down to 6 units and that was done.
The concern I have is what happened to the "GREEN" in "Green Springs" The open space has shrunk from 58% to 21% and pad sizes have grown from 4000 Sq.Ft. to 8162 Sq. Ft. I had also asked where all the pervious pavers and other green elements went? Gone?
The sixth (historic) unit is a bonus unit and by discretion of the City Council. Our PUD development ordinance also give us the right to ask for a more community friendly elements within the development. This property boarders the Hybernia Preserve and it was represented that stormwater could travel that way without harm. I suggested that these properties should unify in the spirit of the environmental approach used at Hybernia and add to the green buffer instead of justifying over building because of the adjacent proximity of Hybernia.
I am hopeful that the developer got the word and will bring us back a great plan with a green design and elements.