The Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) awarded a $380,000 grant from the Wetland Restoration Fund to the Park District of Highland Park for its project at the Skokie River Woods site on the southeast corner of Routs 22 and 41. This will fund wetland restoration and wetland/stream enhancement, with significant wetland buffer/upland restoration to improve the overall ecological value of the site, which is on the historic floodplain. This is an exciting project that will provide multiple benefits of flood damage reduction, water quality improvement, and natural resource protection.
I provided the leadership to save the Skokie River Woods (38acres) several years ago when I put together a partnership that was made up of the City of Highland Park, the Park District of Highland Park, The Lake County Forest Preserve District, and the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources that came up with the 4 million dollars for purchase of this property. Joyce O'keefe was instrumental along with open lands for helping us forge the deal.
After years of planning and waiting, it is wonderful to see our Lake County Commissioner Anne F. Bassi get funding to initiate this restoration. I am grateful to her for the hard work on this project and other stormwater issues that will greatly benefit residents of our community for years to come. Good 9 minute video put out by the US EPA is worth watching demonstrating alternative stormwater solutions.
Restoring the wetlands at the Skokie River Woods site will provide a great example of how nature does a better job at dealing with stormwater issues. If we can provide natural "green" solutions to these flooding issues instead of the "Deep Pit Solutions of the past", future generations will be much better served and educated. I am hoping that these restorations will continue along the Skokie River within the Highland Park County Club site over the next several years.