Our Environmental Commission has some new ideas for our community to continue down the green trail. This grEen Commission is proposing to reduce the proliferation of single-use plastic shopping bags, reducing the use of lawn fertilizers containing inorganic phosphorus by prohibiting the use of inorganic phosphorus fertilizers, promoting the City’s drinking water as a replacement for purchasing bottled water, and regulating polystyrene foam disposable food service waste by requiring all food vendors and City facilities to provide compostable or recyclable disposable food service ware (take-out clam shell containers, cups, forks, etc.).
The next step in this process is to bring in all the stake holders like landscapers, restaurant owners, and other merchants to discuss the impacts of these proposals. We want to work with business to promote Highland Parks "Green" character and increase business to our community. As we worked with the Chamber of Commerce and property owners on the new commercial waste hauler contract that brought us free recycling and lower prices, I am hopeful another partnership with our business owners will again produce more green results.
When I hear of meeting dates I will update the blog....... Stay Tuned!!