Over 18 months ago I asked the City Manager to come up with a balanced budget to show the City Council. I still have not seen anything that comes within 1.5 million of bridging the gap of the shortfall of revenues to expenditures.
While things with our economy are still going down, we have not met the challenge of cutting government down to meet our revenue streams. While we are lucky to have great reserves to cover the shortfalls over the past several years, we need to address this matter soon.
Councilman Kirsch who heads the Finance Committee has done nothing to ask staff for a balanced budget or even close to one. While Councilman Kirsch seems pleased with his role as chair of this committee, I don't call a budget being balanced by taking the saved money out of the bank to fill the gap.
We need to act now and get a budget that bridges the gap between revenues and expenditures with real cuts in government.
Some folks on the Council and Staff need to realize that our community is not required to meet the needs of government but rather government must live within the means of the community.
Currently that is not the case.