Several weeks ago I received a call from my friend Louis who told me someone had constructed a Brick Cement Mail Structure one foot away from the pavement on Spruce Street. Louis wanted to know if they had received a permit and followed proper procedures.
We found out that no permit had been issued for this stucture and it was illegally placed on the public right of way. Staff's response was to ask the builder and/or owners to submit the proper documents for approval. They seemed to convey to us that this was just business as usual. I asked staff not to approve this structure until the City Council had a chance to weigh in on this matter. I have made it clear to all that I am not in favor of allowing any private structures on our public ways other than approved standard mail boxes on 4x4 posts. Current law allows someone to get a revocable license from the City to put a structure on the right of way. What is wrong with just natural green elements on our parkways? I will say that Councilman Rotering, Levenfeld, and myself represented that these structures should not be placed on the right of way.
Many years ago another structure was placed on Spruce and the City Council immediately asked it be taken down.....Staff has said they thought these structures were proper, not a safety hazard (This one is hard to believe), and informed us that dozens more of these have been put up without a permit throughout the city (even harder to believe). Tell me how we have let these things go up throughout the city without a permit on city right of way and have not objected? This has taken place mostly in front of new construction where staff has to give occupancy permits.
At the last meeting I suggested that I build a Brick Cement Structure one foot away from St. Johns Avenue where I live at 2157 and see how it is received. I am assuming that staff would not object since they have not on all the others. What do you think?