Riding down Central in the parade and viewing the many Highland Park families that attended demonstrates the great national and community acknowledgement to the values that created our country.
What strikes deep in my heart during these times of economic stress is the need for government to lighten up on the citizens. We need to constantly bring back that revolutionary spirit that slaps complacency and pushes back big government. Burdening our citizens with unsustainable public pensions and robust programs that can be trimmed can't continue. We must not lose steam in creating sustainable government.
We must demand immediate reinvention and priority on the REAL needs of our community. Consolidated government, reduced costs, and networking across our municipal boundaries for efficiencies will produce great results.
Municipalities, School Districts, and Townships need to evaluate solutions together to reduce administrations and create efficient programs that serve the people at reduced costs.
The spirit of 1776 lives within us still and can liberate us from the burdens that we face today if we are willing to change.