We have asked Counsel to draft and ordinance Creating the new Natural Resources Commission that will combine our existing Environmental and Lakefront Commissions. This is occurring in part to the continued efficiency efforts, less work load on the Lakefront Commission, and combining a united focus across the board on sustainability and our environment.
We continue to work with SWALCO, our Business Community, and Commissioners to Remove Styrofoam and Plastic Film (bags) from our waste stream.
Veolia apologized for sending our late billing that had an incorrect late notice. They explained the bill is not due until 12/25/10.
We made an amendment to our lease agreement with The Art Center to reduce their costs while they continue to restructure their operations and provide a great contribution to our Cultural Arts mission in Highland Park.
Made a deposit of $428,000 to Com Ed for a transformer for our water plant upgrade. I continue to oppose moving forward on a water plant increase until we can assure our water rates won't skyrocket.
Decided not to move ahead with mandatory residential sprinkler systems for new homes built in Highland Park because of increased costs in consideration of this stressed housing market.
After the City Council voted unanimously at our last meeting to take down the NO U-Turn sign by the theater on Central Avenue, I am still optimistic that our staff will obey our directive at some point. Who is in charge here? Staff, in their infinite wisdom, put the sign back up last year after our City Council led by Ray Geraci had it taken down many years ago.
We passed a Tree Trimming contract, not to exceed the 100,000 for 2011. This operates our eight cycle maintenance of our urban forest. The city is divided into 8 tree maintenance districts of which we focus on one every 8 years.