Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18th Roundup

Greentown Highland Park is moving along with dates set for October 18th and 19th at the Art Center of Highland Park as well as our Community House. We are looking at having movies, healthy and local grown foods, and many speakers to motivate us into action.....
Annual Festival of Fine Craft will be held on June 22 - 23, 2012. Great event I would suggest we all attend. The Art Center which shares our Cultural Arts Campus with the Community House is located between Park and Elm on Sheridan Road.
Our City Recycling Dropoff accepts Electronics, Fluorescent bulbs, Styrofoam, household batteries on Tuesdays and Fridays from 7am-1pm at our Public Service Campus at 1180 Half Day Road.
Ravinia Business District is the subject of a new street scape design, utility evaluation and planning to move forward to create vibrancy and provide a foundation for improvements. Ravinia Neighbors Association has taken a lead role in this endeavour.
Honored some great citizens, younger and older, for their great environmental work. Rebecca Grill (trout release), Howard Hill(Presidential Innovation Award), [Jonny Cohen, Tommy Mills, Griffin Rutstein(Greensheids project team)] Thank you for providing this leadership!!
The house on 1864 Green Bay (property between Sunset foods and Elm) was bought by the City for possible reconfiguration of roadway entrance into Renaissance Place Garage.
