Sunday, July 01, 2012

Is the Library under the authority of the City Council?

For many years on the City Council our relationship with the library was smooth and predictable. When the library had a need they would approach the City Council and we would direct staff to work out solutions that fit within the City Council's budget guidelines for the City of Highland Park. Several years ago when we were falling into a recession the City Council was approached by the library board with a 10+ million dollar addition. The City Council did not approve of the plan asking that the library board look at phasing or to simply focus on rehabilitation of existing structure.

In a total surprise to me the library staff and board took offense to our directive reaching out to a attorney to discuss autonomy and legal recourse against the City Council because they thought we were interfering with their mission and authority. After some heated back door discussions they took our direction and have put forward a plan that is phased and focuses on rehabilitation, core infrastructure, and realignment of services aligned with the new electronic media. Bravo!

While City Council refused to levy more taxes on our citizens as the library board requested, we moved to spend down our 50% cash reserves instead. They were again offended that we would not drastically increase the library levy. They did not seemingly understand the economic burden our citizens and business were under and why should they? They are not elected or in any way accountable for their actions to the citizens of this community since they are appointed by the Mayor and ratified by the City Council. Yes, they are accountable just to the City Council and that is why we need to clarify their roles in respect to the City Council.

While I was Quebec City representing the Mayor at the Great Lakes conference I had heard this issue was discussed. Our library needs to work with our staff as does our other departments to flush out every and any efficiency within our municipal government. When the City Council approved spending of the rehabilitation and renovation funding I recall a condition being moved by the entire City Council to stipulate that our City Manager would flush out all efficiencies.

This idea and drum beating of independence and autonomy by the library is ludicrous and needs to come to an end. The Library Board does work under the City Council at our pleasure and authority. If the City Council can't put an end to this controversy it should be presented to the citizenry for a vote on determination as it should not be fuzzy or ambiguous anymore about roles, responsibility, and authority. We need to define our relationship in specific terms so future discussions have a reliable framework.