A colleague on the Board has told me many times that she constantly feels like she is just one hand clapping and I do get it. But for her and I it does not mean we will stop trying to move forward on better governance models in representation of our citizenry. Sometimes we do get people to pay attention and act through perseverance.
When I got elected to these boards I committed to working on creating more efficiencies in Lake County. Our Chairman held round tables with local leaders to listen to their concerns and suggestions on cooperation. One of the low hanging fruit was 911 dispatch and public safety radio communications county wide. We are currently starting to implement, expand, and update these communications and are offering a very low cost buy in for all local governments within Lake County.
Within the County Board and Forest Preserve (we wear both hats) we want to create efficiencies and also provide leadership at the County level as to reduce the citizens burden from all levels of government. While we analyze and implement joint operations between the forest preserve and county, we have also discussed elimination of segregated and outdated units of governments. We have started to research the elimination of local assessors as well as weighed the consolidation of the County Clerk and Recorder of Deeds. Do we need an elected Treasurer or can our professional finance director deal with those obligations? I am a strong believer in professional government where us elected folks create policy and hire professionals to carry out operations. Outcomes from a governance efficiency process can save millions of taxpayers dollars and provide quality services to our residents. Automation, managerial government models, and elimination of political jobs can help us move forward.
Currently on the finance committee we are looking at compensation to employees which is about 70% of our operating budget. The triad of our employee compensation is a salary, health benefits, and pension. While the pension (IMRF) is mostly controlled by the state, we control salary and health benefits. In a compensation study we have found that some employees are underpaid, our pension is a MASSIVE benefit, and healthcare reform is in transition at all levels of business and government. Digging into health insurance has been a challenge for me and the finance committee. Best practice shared with our citizenry should be our level of benefit at the government level. Bottom line is we can provide a quality benefit package that treats both our employees and residents with respect and fairness. Work in Progress!!!
Also, when it comes to many changes in government structure, state legislative action is required. It would be my preference to allow for a binding referendum for our citizens to make the choice with the facts researched and presented to them. I am hopeful you will see something coming from the County Board in 2016. Stay tuned!!