Being on the County Board for over two years now I have greatly appreciated the other members I share the decision making process with up in Waukegan. But like other political groups and governmental entities throughout our country this one is really no different when it comes to making real change. Now unlike what we seem to observe at the federal level, county elected officials do share a level of warmth between us. I do not criticize my fellow members for not having the same governmental integration expectations that I would like to see occur. I do however believe our citizens are demanding a big change and would like to see governmental burdens reduced substantially. I guess the main difference between my fellow members and I is that I do believe that we can reorganize government agencies in Lake County with the help of State government to reduce taxation and provide the services our residents require.
In trying to push forward our agenda of intergovernmental integration, countywide equity, and general reforms to create efficiencies I have yet to find ONE real partner that is willing to fight to reduce the property tax burden on our citizens. There is simply a high level of chatter on process that is without real vested heroes to lead and very little example of successes that have occurred to date.
All my pleas of forming a working committee and retaining experts have fallen on seemingly deaf ears. While each government is complex in our existing framework of 3 times the amount of agencies than mostly any other state in the union, the daunting prospect of consolidating services under less agencies and creating sustaining efficiencies seems to rattle existing professional administrations, thus paralyzing the top elected officials into taking just taking baby steps that simply do not produce any outcomes that our citizens are demanding.
Without elected champions at the table to work staff on these important issues there is no fire set with staff to accomplish any real progress on the reform issue. Along with no real action taking place the debate on "realistic goals" and staff overload dominates the chatter in the back rooms paralyzing any chance of success on a comprehensive process and substantial progress.
The problem I am having creating any real change in government is that being a new member, a democrat, and a progressive, I am seemingly a flea on the tail of this wagging dog called Lake County with no real short term hope of meeting the expectations our citizens are demanding.
That doesn't however prevent me from continuing to speak up and trying to convince my fellow members and community elected officials from getting on board.... Stay Tuned!!!