In a perfect world for me government staff would constantly be bringing up ideas and programs to reduce pollution, support renewable energy, and promote a more sustainable world. In a little less perfect world I would be surrounded by elected officials that would pursue and push staff for a strong environmental agenda for government and citizens to follow. But in the real world developing strong environmental strategies as a core program simply draws more flies than human acceptance.
I have been driving an electric zero emission Nissan Leaf for 3.5 years now and have saved thousands in gas dollars. Since our electricity comes from mostly nuclear plants and to some degree renewable energy the use of my car puts out no emission where I use it and much smaller amounts globally when compared to all fossil fuel vehicles.
Over the last few years solar power subsides have been available that promotes a return on capital that exceeds the best financial investment returns. Finally, last year our LCFPD staff realized this opportunity and is currently doing their due diligence to install our first active solar electric system. Lake County is being pulled along by the Forest Preserve action and hopefully will follow in 2016 if subsides are still intact.
During the past several discussions with Lake County leaders on strategic policies all environmental initiatives are qualified by "if economically feasible". Do we qualify Economic Opportunities, if economically feasible, health and resilient communities, reduce congestion, transportation, and public safety IF it is Economically Feasible? No, just our value of a sustainable environment is qualified. While myself, Sandy Hart, and a few others fight for Lake County Leaders to stand up and provide a stronger leadership position on sustainability, I hear the rhetoric from our administrator Barry Burton and many fellow board members demonstrate that sustainability is NOT as important as those other core values.
The reason I am calling for more folks to consider running for public office is we need stronger leadership in government not only sustainable in a more efficient and consolidated government, but also one that pushes for environmentally sustainable programs that provide leadership for clean water, air, and retention of more green capital. I hear current Lake County Elected officials speaking about our open green space as prime opportunities for transportation, manufacturing, office space, and residential development instead of supporting existing infrastructure and towns that have empty commercial structures and foreclosures. It is a Classic example of suburban sprawl instead of the great revitalization projects happening in urban areas around the world that promotes more sustainability. Being sustainable is being fiscally conservative. Conservation and sustainable practices will reduce taxation and promote a better life in Lake County. Step up, provide leadership and think about public service.