I am going to try a new format for general issues that are being discussed to help immerse you in more topics "On The Table". I will still be using old format as well.
1. We are looking to have a new
Residential Garbage pickup contract in place in Sept. of this year. Just putting out our
RFP asking waste haulers to give us bids. This has been a hot topic in the past and big changes need to happen to keep our volume based system intact. We will be getting larger wheeled recycling toter's as our first priority but they will need to be brought to the street curb for pickup. We are asking for subscription options for those of you that want to keep the current small carts in front of your garage.
2. If you read the paper you mostly know about the
HP theater and the fact that the committee was asked to look at renovation options. Recommendation is to not proceed with any major upgrade at this time and to clean up the existing movie theater in ways to increase net revenues. The operating budget is projected to run in the black for 2010.
Ravinia Farmers Market permit okay starting June 16th through Oct 27th from 5am-1pm.
The Arts Center (TAC) has been given a break on the rent through December of 2010 and modifications on moneys due the city to help them get back on their financial feet. Their default would not serve our community while their mission enriches our life's and community. Please help us promote their success.
5. We
saved $70,000.00 by contracting out our
street sweeping instead of doing it in house.
6. Received a bid for
$254,400 for salt for the 2010-11 season.
7. Okayed contracts of $
989,000 for Asphalt and Concrete Street repairs.
8. Our
Automobile Boot Law will now cover anyone that receives 5 unpaid parking citations which are over 90 days old.... Pay them tickets or get booted!
9. I have also asked to get the
cell phone ban on an agenda as well as talking about the
extra payroll last year that cost the city over 500,000 dollars.10. We talked about the budget and
asked staff to present us a balanced budget that was defined by revenues being equal to expenditures. In the past several years money was taken out of reserves to define a balanced budget.
All on the City Council except for myself gave the go ahead for a Special Zoning Permit to go directly to staff for approval of variances for extended porches, pillars, and basketball hoops in the required front yards instead of the past practice of notice and public hearing in front of the Zoning Board of appeals . It also moves multiple garage doors to the staff for approval...... Very slippery slope on the vision of how our community front yards will look and will cause friction amongst adjacent neighbors that are asked to sign off. More development and lot coverage policy from staff again!
This should be on agenda May 10th.12.
Central (Downtown) District Plan came in front of the City Council for a visioning sign off.... As I told the Mayor and staff,
this should be directed and visioned by the City Council first before staff reaches out for citizen involvement. I am open to tweaking a great 2001 plan that is approved but do not want to see Evanston type goals brought to Highland Park. Yes, we can work on small changes that have discouraged redevelopment of needed areas but the
goals and vision we set in 2001 is SOLID! While it was a great exercise for our round table participants and many good thoughts emerged, I think it is premature until the Council weighs in on direction.
Structures on public property laws will be redefined again on the May 10th agenda. Basically just regular mailboxes approved by the post office will be allowed. Also, 18 inch boulders will be allowed no less than 24 inches from the street edge. Past structures and boulders that are legally existing will be allowed unless they are unsafe.
We approved transfer of money to library but I asked for a strong commitment from their President Ken Henry to work with us on consolidation and efficiencies to save the taxpayers money.
They committed to work with us across the board.15. We recognized
Dr. Mark Hill and the wonderful students from Elm Place School that participated in Project Citizen and the Sustainable Green School Compact.
Our kids are our Future and they will make a difference!16. We put in a place new
multifunction machines that copy, print, and scan. This consolidation and updating has
saved us $500 dollars per month on our current contract.
17. Repair of our
pedestrian overpass at Central Ave in the amount of $110,170. This upgrading has been phased to lower yearly costs.
18. New laws were passed concerning
Group Homes to better address compliance with our local zoning ordinances and best practices. I have been informed that providers for these facilities were part of the process.
19.Worked out a
Traffic and Parking agreement with Ravinia Festival to better deal with enforcement to provide reduced neighborhood disruptions.