What the Mayor and the City Council can legally change is the future Council benefit policy for those elected in 2011 and beyond. I am advocating that we change the benefit policy for future City Council and Treasurer starting on May 2011 and not offer FREE medical coverage anymore. The savings over the next 10 years would be about 3.5 million dollars for our future budgets starting in 2011.
I floated this idea at our budget meeting November 2nd and was immediately challenged by a Councilman in an attempt to intimidate me from moving forward on this issue. But Councilman, our job is to promote best practices on this City Council for the best interest of the Community and I will not be deterred from doing what is right. During the past election this issue was brought up at the coffees I attended. At those meetings I had committed to vote to rescind this benefit package for future City Councils. I think the current costs of medical coverage far exceeds the original intent of this benefit for the City Council.
Councilwoman Olian further suggested we could individually refuse coverage that is due to us currently and in the future. I think this is also a great idea for those who want to personally make an immediate impact and I applaud her for giving up her insurance, but only legislative action can stop future Councils from receiving this benefit....... I myself had other primary medical insurance for the first 12 years I served on the City Council. I challenge Councilwoman Olian to match my practice and follow through on her initiative. We will be discussing the issue of benefits to the City Council in the 1st quarter of 2010. Get ready for a fight on this one from a City Council that wont give up future benefit packages easily. I will support eliminating free medical insurance for Councilman elected in 2011 and beyond.
During these tough economic times we need to initiate change now and change the government structure for the future. I asked in November that this be brought forward in 2010 for discussion and implementation in 2011.