Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We need Change Now in HP Government

Mayor Belsky just announced his intention to run for a 3rd term. While I think his political rhetoric and values he speaks to is something I do strongly agree with, he needs to step aside and let another provide leadership for our community.

One of the major problems our mayor has had is his dependence on our City Manager David Limardi on dealing with issues and carrying out the policy and values of the City Council. It is up to the Mayor to be sure these values are carried out and there is full disclosure, cooperation, and subservience to the Council and the Community at large.

Unlike past Mayors Ray Geraci and Dan Pierce that I did also have the pleasure to serve with, this mayor does not seem to possess the management skills to control the City Managers conduct or passions on his personal preferences over those of the City Council. Thus we continue to get side tracked on issues important to many of us and head full steam ahead on issues important to the City Manager.

Mayor Belsky has given two full terms as Mayor and it is now time for new leadership. I am available to discuss this issue with anyone that is willing to talk about possible candidates for Mayor of Highland Park. My door is wide open and I ask for conversation on this subject as an election approaches us in 2011 for which the legal process will start in September of 2010. Three Council seats and the Mayors seat will be up for election a little over a year from now and look forward to a debate about the best possible future for our community.