Friday, July 05, 2013

70 MPH on the Tollway sounds good to me.

Traveling across the country in the auto is mostly boring these days and I don't do it too often. Having to slow down to 55, 60, or even 65 is even more grueling. Spending time in New Mexico the interstates are all 75 mph and it is great on making time on long road trips. All of these super highways and interstates are designed to accommodate 75 mph traffic safely.

I was very happy to see the legislature pass the 70 mph allowance in Illinois and am hopeful to see it on all interstates and our tri-state toll way system. While understanding that County's will have a chance to opt out, I don't think this will ever come up for a vote. . . . . .  But if it does, I will support the 70 mph speed limit.