Friday, October 15, 2010

Eliminate Position of Treasurer

In early 2007 I expressed my opinion to eliminate of the Treasurers position. My feelings have not changed over the last 4 years since I tried to get a City Council consensus on changing the status of Treasurers position from a paid employee to a volunteer commissioner position. I am hoping my fellow Councilman will now embrace my idea to remove this political position of Treasurer from the payroll.

Currently the Treasurer gets paid 5000 dollars a year and gets free health insurance. Many other Volunteer Commissioners throughout the city that are professional lawyers, doctors, CPA's, and Mba's give their expertise without any compensation. While our Treasurer Ron Zweig is a asset to our non-elected recommending personnel, his position is no different from several other commission members. We have a wonderful professional Finance Director Elizabeth Holleb that fills the job of Treasurer.

For years this position has been a "Political Bone" for the Mayor to hand off to whom ever they wish. Mayor Mike Belsky handed this bone to his neighbor and good friend Ron Zwieg. Now, I again must say Ron Zwieg has been a great asset to the community and our finance committee, BUT no more than many of our City Commissioners that get NO Compensation.

It is time to eliminate the position of treasurer upon the next seating of the newly elected Mayor this year.