Saturday, October 16, 2010

Free Prospect Street End Now!

UPDATE 102510- The Council formally approved the plan last night and was promised it would be completely implemented by Nov. 30th this year. Agenda item#8 to allow Richard Tucker to install four (4) Green Giant arborvitae on the public property was tabled for a possible future discussion at the request of Richard Tucker. To be Continued...........
Well, we had a discussion on Prospect Avenue Street end at our last City Council meeting and achieved consensus on taking down the old fence, creating a large VISTA overlooking Lake Michigan, and putting up a barricade at the curb and another keep out fence 30 ft back. My fellow Councilman Nancy Rotering and I suggested that a fence obstructing full pedestrian access was not appropriate, but the Mayor and 4 the other members of the Council disagreed and affirmed staffs suggestion that a split rail fence be installed some 30 feet from the curb.

The good news is that we all agreed on a open wide VISTA, unencumbered on our very own city property street end.

Well, so much for votes and consensus because just a few days later I met Nancy Rotering and a few members of the neighborhood on site. In the process, we CAUGHT the adjoining neighbor trying to install several 20+ foot conifer trees some 25 feet into the city property. These trees would have partially obstructed that beautiful VISTA we just got consensus on! Seemingly while staff did have a hand in condoning these actions, because of Councilman Roterings and my objections, all work was stopped, the planted trees were pulled out, and we were assured no further planting would be permitted on the public lands.

We were recently told this is now an agenda item on our October 25th regular Council Meeting Agenda starting at 7:30. Please check our city website at for specific information. Obviously the watchfulness of the citizens needs to prevail in this situation for it really.............., I mean really become a reality. BE THERE!