Sunday, October 30, 2011

Library Infrastructure Impovements first use of reserves

While I stand by my position that I would not use reserves for normal yearly funding of operations and scheduled yearly allocations of capital improvements, we should use the reserves for a one time capital improvement. Infrastructure, streets, and facilities could be improved with reserves as allowed within our financial policy.

As our reserves have approached the 50% mark and our financial policy only suggests a 25-33% reserve, consensus of the City Council has determined a spend down of reserves on one time capital expenditures.

Over the past several years the Library board has asked for improvements and additions that have topped the 10 million dollar mark. Under direction of the past City Council the library board was directed to target infrastructure improvements and limited updating instead of a large addition project.

The City Council has agreed on about .8mil of improvements in 2012 that would start repairing basic facility repairs and update the Library to more fit the needs of data and computer driven services. We have also received assurance from board members to work with us on our government sustainability project to create efficiencies and eliminate redundancies. Stay Tuned!!!